The operation of photomultiplier tubes is described in the following points: The light created in the scintillator strikes the photocathode of a photomultiplier tube, releasing at most one photoelectron per photon … Radiation Dosimetry
The operation of scintillation counters and photomultiplier tubes is summarized in the following points:
Ionizing radiation enters the scintillator and interacts with the scintillator material. This cause electrons to be raised to an excited state.
- For charged particles the track is the path of the particle itself.
- For gamma rays (uncharged), their energy is converted to an energetic electron via either the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering or pair production.
- The excited atoms of the scintillator material de-excite and rapidly emit a photon in the visible (or near-visible) light range. The quantity is proportional to the energy deposited by the ionizing particle. The material is said to fluoresce.
- Three classes of phosphors are used:
- inorganic crystals,
- organic crystals,
- plastic phosphors.
- The light created in the scintillator strikes the photocathode of a photomultiplier tube, releasing at most one photoelectron per photon.
- Using a voltage potential, this group of primary electrons is electrostatically accelerated and focused so that they strike the first dynode with enough energy to release additional electrons.
- These secondary electrons are attracted and strike a second dynode releasing more electrons. This process occurs in the photomultiplier tube.
- Each subsequent dynode impact releases further electrons, and so there is a current amplifying effect at each dynode stage. Each stage is at a higher potential than the previous to provide the accelerating field.
- Primary signal is multiplied and this amplification continues through 10 to 12 stages.
- At the final dynode, sufficient electrons are available to produce a pulse of sufficient magnitude for further amplification. This pulse carries information about the energy of the original incident radiation. The number of such pulses per unit time also gives information about the intensity of the radiation.
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